SFGATE: Farhan Zaidi explains why he cut ties with Gorkys Hernandez, Hunter Strickland

Farhan Zaidi explains why he cut ties with Gorkys Hernandez, Hunter Strickland"
Published on December 12, 2018 at 06:12AM by By Henry Schulman
LAS VEGAS — Giants president of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi was asked Monday why he did not tender a contract to outfielder Gorkys Hernandez, who hit 15 home runs last year. Zaidi’s answer underscored the difference between the old and new administrations. “One area we want to look at is improving the offense from a plate-discipline standpoint, even something as basic as walk-strikeout ratio,” Zaidi said, adding that “an ideal combination of on-base percentage and power in the outfield is kind of the ideal.” The Giants non-tendered Hernandez and reliever Hunter Strickland. Both were out of minor-league options, potentially limiting the team’s flexibility during the season, which played into the decisions.


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