SFGATE: Analysis: Trump didn't offer a real infrastructure plan
Analysis: Trump didn't offer a real infrastructure plan"
Published on January 31, 2018 at 08:52AM by Jared Bernstein, The Washington Post
How can you tell when an infrastructure plan is not real? Here's a three-part test: 1) does it provide a meaningful boost in our stock of public goods, 2) does its funding design shift the historical federal responsibility for public investment to states and private investors, and 3) when it includes "pay-fors," are they budget cuts taken from programs that support low-income families? We got almost no details in Tuesday night's State of the Union address, but based on what we do know, President Donald Trump's infrastructure plan handily fails this test. On the first point - will Trump's proposal lead to significant net additions to our stock of public goods? - though the president cited $1.
Published on January 31, 2018 at 08:52AM by Jared Bernstein, The Washington Post
How can you tell when an infrastructure plan is not real? Here's a three-part test: 1) does it provide a meaningful boost in our stock of public goods, 2) does its funding design shift the historical federal responsibility for public investment to states and private investors, and 3) when it includes "pay-fors," are they budget cuts taken from programs that support low-income families? We got almost no details in Tuesday night's State of the Union address, but based on what we do know, President Donald Trump's infrastructure plan handily fails this test. On the first point - will Trump's proposal lead to significant net additions to our stock of public goods? - though the president cited $1.
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